• Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Michael Smith 3-6-2024

Mount Vernon City Council March 2024

Council Members,
I have been a resident on Edgewood Road since August 1984. The use of this residential street as a quicker way to get to the shopping area on Coshocton Avenue has been an issue ever since my family moved in. We had no idea there was that much traffic there. I failed to do enough research prior to our purchase. The plan that you are considering has some very tempting aspects. I'm sure that sidewalks, new gas and water lines and storm water drains would be wonderful and a benefit to those living along Edgewood. There is no question that there is a problem that needs solving, but the solution does not include increasing the volume of traffic and negatively impacting the value of our property. I strongly urge you to reject any plan to increase traffic volume on Edgewood.

Respectfully submitted.

Michael E. Smith