Special Meeting Minutes
March 6, 2024
CALL TO ORDER Attendee Title Status
Janis Seavolt
At Large
Tammy Woods
Third Ward
Mel Severns
Mike Miller
Fourth Ward
James Mahan
First Ward
John Ruckman
Second Ward
Amber Keener
At Large
Bruce Hawkins
Woods presided as President Pro-Tem in the absence of Hawkins. Seavolt made a motion to excuse Keener, with a second by Severns. Motion to excuse passed by a voice vote of 6-0.
Nineteen residents spoke about Resolution No. 2024-23, to enter into contract with ODOT for the rehabilitation and improvement of Edgewood Road. Before they did so, Severns detailed guidelines on how the meeting would be conducted and the speakers accommodated.
James Stallard, 202 S. Edgewood Road, said the proposal would increase traffic, that the City's details on the proposal were inadequate, that property values along Edgewood Road should the proposal proceed are a concern, and that Council abuses the emergency clause on legislation.
Joe Noonan, 207 S. Edgewood Road, asked about the City's process for notifying residents of the proposal, and suggested that the City has ulterior motives for proceeding with the proposal.
Dennis Swingle, 1101 E. Chestnut St., said the proposal would have a major impact on the neighborhood, suggested that the City's details on the proposal were inadequate, and asked where the plans were that enabled the City to acquire State funds for the project.
Tammy Swingle, 1101 E. Chestnut St., said the proposal would increase traffic, that homes would be lost, and that a bypass is needed instead. She also suggested that the City had not shared details of the proposal with residents.
Greg Childers, 7 Marita Drive, asked what traffic surveys were done related to the proposal, and added that he liked the absence of sidewalks on Edgewood Road.
Rick Hall, 101 Marita Drive, expressed concerns that Edgewood Road would be connected to Coshocton Avenue, and that it would lead to increased truck traffic.
Stan Wood, 1011 E. Chestnut St., expressed concerns about traffic congestion, asked if the proposal would lead to more traffic signals, how much Edgewood would be widened, whether sidewalks would be required, if infrastructure improvements would still take place if the proposal was rejected, and where the funds for the project would come from.
Minutes City Council March 6, 2024
City of Mount Vernon Page 2 Updated 3/7/2024 3:04 PM
Sterling Hamilton, 944 E. High St., said the proposal would be disruptive and lower the quality of life in the neighborhood.
Mike Hillier, 215 E. Sugar St., said the City's details on the proposal were inadequate and that the legislation's emergency clause was unnecessary. He added that insertion of the word "multimodal" referred to truck traffic, asked whether the City would resort to eminent domain, acknowledged that infrastructure work is needed, asked if sidewalks were a requirement of any funding agreements, and suggested property values would suffer.
Zack Thurman, 6 S. Edgewood Road, suggested that the proposal could be dangerous for children and that safety should be a priority.
Alvin Murray, 105 N. Edgewood Road, said the proposal would not be safe for pedestrians, and suggested Upper Gilchrist Road be utilized as a bypass around the city.
Jennifer Shoman, 200 N. Edgewood Road, suggested that connecting Edgewood to Coshocton Avenue is the proposal's ultimate goal, won't relieve traffic congestion, and said the City's details on the proposal were inadequate. She also asked which properties the City would acquire.
Bob Beck, 10 Woodside Drive, said the City's details on the proposal were inadequate, that connecting Edgewood to Coshocton Avenue is the proposal's ultimate goal, that there's already too much traffic on Edgewood, and that the legislation's emergency clause was unnecessary.
Charles Albert, 1000 New Gambier Road, said the project raises safety issues, and that the City ultimately wants a bypass to connect to State Routes 13 and 661.
Bruce Malek, 25 Dixie Drive, said the public hadn't been allowed to give its input until today, that the legislation is premature, and suggested that connecting Edgewood to Coshocton Avenue is the proposal's ultimate goal.
Emily Wood, 943 E. High St., said transparency should be a priority for the City and suggested that the proposal puts her house at risk.
Clyde Kahrl, 507 E. Gambier St., noted that infrastructure improvements are needed, that Edgewood is very narrow, and that the proposal would require the removal of some houses on East High Street.
Michael Smith, 210 S. Edgewood Road, noted that infrastructure improvements are needed, suggested that the proposal won't fix speed or traffic issues, and that only a bypass would.
Bruce Malek, 25 Dixie Drive, returned and asked Council not to pass the legislation.
Dennis Swingle, 1101 E. Chestnut St., returned and distributed several photos of Edgewood to Council.
Arturo Faustino, 943 E. High St., said he has invested a lot of money into his home and has no idea what will happen to it.
Jennifer Shoman, 200 N. Edgewood Road, returned and said the proposal would lower property values and is not a good solution.
Dennis Swingle, 1101 E. Chestnut St., returned and said the proposal would lower property values.
Michael Smith, 210 S. Edgewood Road, returned and blamed previous City Councils for the proposal.
Seavolt made a motion to adjourn, with a second by Miller. Meeting adjourned at 7:26 p.m.
Resolution No. 2024-23
Minutes City Council March 6, 2024
City of Mount Vernon Page 3 Updated 3/7/2024 3:04 PM
Edgewood Phase I SOW
03-06-24 Koester Letter
03-06-24 Malek Letter
03-06-24 Noonan Letter
03-06-24 Shoman Letter
03-06-24 Smith Letter
03-06-24 Stallard Letter
03-06-24 Swingle Letter